Filing of Registration Application
Receipt of GST Identification Number (GSTIN)
GST Filing- 1,2,3,3B
GST return Filing for 1 month for ONE GSTIN
Filing for B2B and B2C invoices
Reconciliation between GSTR 2 & 2A
Book-Keeping and Accounting are not part of this package
GST Filing- 1,2,3,3B
Filing of 3B return for 1 month
A feature of great leaders is that they never stop for learning. Mentorship and Coaching for your leaders.
Professional Legal Services
A feature of great leaders is that they never stop for learning. Mentorship and Coaching for your leaders.
INCOME TAX – for Business
A feature of great leaders is that they never stop for learning. Mentorship and Coaching for your leaders.
INCOME TAX- for Individuals
A feature of great leaders is that they never stop for learning. Mentorship and Coaching for your leaders.
GST Filing – GSTR-4(Composition Supplier)
GST Returns (GSTR-4) for 1 quarter for ONE GSTIN
Filing for B2B and B2C invoices
Reconciliation for all transactions
Book-Keeping and Accounting are not part of this package